Human rights and democracy. Yeah, give me a break. Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela destroyed.

Let me leave this tweet here by Alan Macleod

Libya is worse off and basically destroyed after US intervention. See link here by just one of the many commentaries. All healthcare, social welfare and standard of living is definitely worse off than pre-US intervention. It was the richest African nation with the highest standard of living in that continent. So now, after achieving its geopolitical goals, the human rights concerns nary warrant a look now by the western nations and NATO.

Check out this article by Doug Bandow. An important read for everyone.

Iraq, Libya, Venezuela and Afghanistan are now worse off before US intervention, with their people suffering even more after being ‘ liberated”. Now, what about their human rights? Conveniently forgotten!

While George Bush could joke about the lack of weapon of mass destruction in this clip, check out the human costs of the Iraq war here.

The “human rights issue” de jour is Xinjiang and East Turkistan. It is the same trick. Again. US delisted East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) as a terrorist group. But China is not Libya, not Iraq, not Venezuela and not Syria. .